Crochet Hair Scrunchie

Find the tutorial here~!

A Frothy Flower

Find the pattern here!

Pencil Case #02

Baris dasar: Buat 50 rantai, sc dari rantai kedua sampai rantai terakhir (49 rantai), buat 1 rantai, balik 
Baris 1-3 : sc menggunakan benang kuning 
Baris 4-48 : sc menggunakan benang hijau 
Baris 49-51 : sc menggunakan benang kuning, kencangkan benang 

Tahap Penyelesaian 
  1. Lipat hasil renda sehingga sisi bawah atasnya bertemu 
  2. Jahit sisi kanan dan kiri dari bagian dalam 
  3. tambahkan resleting
  4. Beri aksesoris lingkaran dengan cara, 
    • Lingkaran pertama, buat magic circle 
    • Lingkaran kedua, buat 1 ch dan 1 sc pada tempat yang sama, kerjakan dua sc pada tiap stitch dilingkaran pertama dan gabung lingkarannya dgn ss pada titik awal lingkaran kedua, 
    • Lingkaran ketiga, mulai dengan 1 ch dan 1 sc pada tempat yang sama. *Kerjakan 2 sc pada stitch selanjutnya. Kemudian 1 sc pada stitch setelahnya. Ulangi * sampai akhir lingkaran dan gabung lingkarannya seperti sebelumnya Kerjakan dengan cara yang sama seperti pada lingkaran selanjutnya, tapi tambahkan satu sc untuk membuat lingkaran yang lebih besar.

Mobile Phone Case #03

Buat dua sisi yang mirip 
Baris dasar: Buat 22 rantai, sc dari rantai kedua sampai rantai terakhir (21 rantai), buat 1 rantai, balik 
Baris 1-38: lanjut dengan sc, kencangkan benang 
Tahap Penyelesaian 

  1. Gabungkan dua bagian yang telah dibuat, jahit dari bagian kanan atas ke bawah,sepanjang bagian bawah, terus ke bagian atas sisi satunya lagi (bagian kiri atas), setelah itu buat 160 rantai sebagai tali dan sambungkan lagi ke bagian awal (kanan atas),
  2. Sekarang buat ‘picot edge’ dengan cara, *buat 3 rantai, 1 sc di rantai pertamanya, sc di rantai selanjutnya, ulang dari * dan kerjakan dari bagian atas ke bawah, sepanjang bagian dasar dan naik ke bagian atas sisi satu lagi, 
  3. Kerjakan sc ditiap rantai di tali, ketika sudah sampai dititik pertama, gabungkan dan kencangkan benangnya
  4. Beri tambahan bunga sebagai aksesoris, polanya diambil dari sini

Pencil Case #01

I like knitting and very enjoy trying some types of stitches. In this project, I tried to make a simple pencil case to my mom. I learnt about how to make a basket weave which is another interesting type of stitches. It’s easy version of the combination of knit and purl. To make a basket weave, we need to start from even number of stitches. In my case, it is multiple of four. I got this idea by looking at a Lindcraft’s knitting magazine. The magazine (Teach yourself how to knit) is very useful for beginner like me. There are many information and some instructions are easy to follow (Lindcraft must say thank you for me for promoting their magazine =D *just kidding*). Okay, if you are interested, here is the pattern:

23 cm x 10 cm

5 mm needles
two colour of yarns which we call as yarn A & B
Crochet hook
Large eye sewing needle
Two beads

BO        bind off
CO        cast on
k          knit
K2tog   knit two stitches together
p           purl
SSK       slip slip knit
Sts        stitches

Using yarn A and 5 mm needles, CO 36 sts
Row 1-8            : k
Row 9-12          : k4, p4, to the end of rows
Row 13-16        : p4, k4, to the end of rows
Repeat these ways for the next 8 rows.
Row 25-32        : k
Row 33             : BO
Fold case in half and sew the two sides using yarn B

Using yarn B and 5 mm needles, CO 36 sts
Row 1 – 21        : k
Row 22             : BO
Continue to make some chains with crochet hook and make two loops in the middle of BO side (about 7cm from edges) to put the beads.
Sew the cover from the back side of case to the front and sew the beads so it matches to the loops.

Make a flower for beautify (pattern)

What do you think about the pencil case? The design is very suit to teenager actually, but my mother like it =D. Happy Knitting.

Mobile Phone Case #02

I’m still choosing to make a simple mobile phone case for my second knitting project. Different with the Simple Mobile Phone Case #01 which was using gaster stitches; in this project I wanna learn the other kind of stitches which called stocking stitches. Here is the pattern:

15 cm x 8.5 cm

5 mm needles
Small amount of any type of yarns (2 colours) which we call yarn A & B
Crochet hook
Large eye sewing needle
A bead

BO        bind off
CO        cast on
k          knit
K2tog   knit two stitches together
p          purl
SSK      slip slip knit
Sts       stitches

Using yarn A and 5 mm needles, CO 24 sts
Row 1    : k
Row 2    : p
Repeat last two rows until work measure 16cm or suit it with the length of your mobile phone
Do decreasing
          1st row     : k2tog, k until remain 2 stitches, SSK
          2nd row    : k
Repeat this way for the next two rows, then BO
Continue to make some chains with crochet hook and make a loop in the centre of BO side to put the bead.
Fold case in half and ignore the decrease rows and then sew the two sides using yarn B
Make a flower for beautify 

Happy Knitting

Mobile Phone Case #01

Simple Mobile Phone Case #01

Knitting is something new for me. I have been learning knitting for two months. I got interested in knitting when I saw my friend’s handmade scarf. I intended to learn knitting three years ago but I could make it come true just in the last two months.
Being in Oz was very enjoyable when I need to go to the craft shop because it very closes to my apartment. In my country, I must order the knitting yarns and other knitting stuff in a big city of Indonesia because in my hometown it rather difficult to find a craft shop which sell knitting materials.
I chose a simple cell phone case as my first knitting project. I got the pattern from one of Indonesian knitting book. It’s quite easy actually, but because I am a beginner in knitting, so I experience difficulties. However, from those difficulties, I learnt how to knit well. Here is the pattern which I got from the book with little bit modification.

10 cm x 12 cm

5 mm needles
Small amount of any type of yarns (2 colours) which we call yarn A & B
Crochet hook
Large eye sewing needle
A bead

BO        bind off
CO        cast on
K          knit
K2tog   knit two stitches together
SSK       slip slip knit
Sts        stitches

Using yarn A and 5 mm needles, CO 16 sts
Row 1: k
Repeat this row 40 times or suit it with the length of your mobile phone
Do decreasing
          1st row     : k2tog, k until remain 2 stitches, SSK
          2nd row    : k
Repeat this way for the next two rows, then BO
Continue to make some chains with crochet hook and make a loop in the centre of BO side to put the bead.
Fold case in half and ignore the decrease rows and then sew the two sides using yarn B
Make a handle with yarn B, CO 3 sts and knit it for 20 more times (or intended length), joint the two points and attach it to one side of case.
Make a flower for beautify.

Happy Knitting